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A circular particle-like feel reverberates throughout Axis, provocative ideas are often reflected through intricate, imperfect linear details within floating and distortion of wefts, and the slight migration of the warp. Blocks echoing in colour and width form the structure of the warp, upon which a grid of textures are layered.

Experimental macro and slow shutter photography creates unusual shapes and shadows for inspiring visual references, while the shifting mark marking drawings focus on the tiny details which could evolve into complementary print ideas. While soft and hard linear vibration is a key theme throughout, skeletal shapes from floating monofilament and cut weft floats give a hard edge to weaves, mirroring teasel photography. Elastic is used selectively to force a rippled and uneven surface with transparent windows which view the depths of the future, the pockets providing potential for trapped unknown particles. Use of both double and single cloth allows for a variation of material qualities, from the open, breezy shoreline to the deep, dense depths.

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